Safe Country
Portugal is ranked as the third-safest country in the world by the Global Peace Index, after Iceland and New Zealand.

Health Care System
Portuguese health care is of international-standard, ranked by WHO as the 12th-best system among UN-member countries.

Wonderful Weather
With more than 600 miles of sandy coastline, Portugal has one of the best climates in Western Europe, with more than 3,300 hours of sun every year.

Country to Live & Visit
For the third year in a row, Portugal won the title of Europe’s Leading Tourism Destination at the World Travel Awards 2019.
In 2020, Portugal earned the number one on International Living‘s Annual Global Retirement Index, and was top of the list by Live and Invest Overseas of “10 Best Places to Retire Overseas in 2020.”

Rich History
The boundaries of Portugal were established in 1297, and remain much as the same today. The age of Discoveries - in the XV and XVI centuries - led us to discover Brazil, India and sailing as far as Japan. Some of the monuments built at that time, can still be seen in Lisbon today - Mosteiro dos Jerónimos and Torre de Belém, two of the Ex-libris monuments of the Manuelino period.